Monday, August 6, 2007

Why I hate the raindrops falling on my head in Mumbai…

  • It takes precisely fifteen seconds to go from a light breeze to something resembling The Second Coming of the Lord (ref. the Talmud or one of the Testaments)
  • It doesn’t play fair. As noted economist/lawyer Rajagopalan puts it “It comes at you from all sides”
  • It reduces ninety per cent of the city to a huge pile of slush. As noted economist/researcher Dayal says “Eww”
  • It rains more on the weekends than the weekdays. Which leads me to my next point…
  • It has a malevolent mind of its own. It will rain when you are out walking on Marine Drive. It will rain when you have forgotten your umbrella. It is out to get you, which is interpreted by the locals as…
  • …a challenge. The more it rains, the more they’ll strive to reach office before time. Not to be scoffed at is the sight of a soaking Mumbaikar, trousers rolled up and shoes hanging from his neck, squelching into office and telling people from Delhi about the 'Mumbai spirit’
  • It droppeth not as the gentle rain from heaven, and it is not twice blessed. It rains too damn much here


colours said...

ha ha ha the vision of the mumbaikar squelching into office is too good. and the brag about that mumbai spirit so true.

Anonymous said...

I fucking live in scotland now!!